THS drama department to present musical next month

Winford Hunter

For the Tomahawk Leader

TOMAHAWK – The Tomahawk Substantial Faculty Drama Office will existing the musical “The Pirates of Penzance” next month.

Performances will be held in the significant college auditorium on Friday, March 3 and Saturday, March 4 at 7 p.m. each night and Sunday, March 5 at 2 p.m.

Tickets will be readily available at the doorway.

The cast consists of Nikolaus Stefanich as Richard the Pirate King (Trey Morrison will be in this position for the Sunday general performance) Xan Sutton, Frederic Kambyl Mattke, Pirate Lieutenant Samuel Brynnen Stefan, Ruth Nathanael Graeber, Big Common Stanley Jenny Meza, Mabel Stanley Arawen Alberg, Edith Stanley Kennedi Kromm, Kate Stanley Murphy Koth, Isabel Stanley Greyson Marta, Edward (Sergeant of Law enforcement) Maddy Baumann, Ella Hilgendorf, Mariah Sparbel, Stanley cousins Greyson Marta, Cedar Hoffman, Sadie Miller, Salma Ramadhani, Clyde Kangas, Caisson McPherson, Galen Schmidt, Jacob Haring, Trey Morrison, pirates  Maddy Baumann, Ella Hilgendorf, Mariah Sparbel, Galen Schmidt, Caisson McPherson, Clyde Kangas, police.

Crew Main: Clyde Kangas.

Pupil Production Supervisor: Kailey Cerny.

Stage development crew: Scarlet McKenzie, Dorian Stefan, AJ Schertz, Kailey Cerny, Galen Schmidt, Kambyl Mattke, Mariah Sparbel, Salma Ramadhani, Julia McGovern, Kiannah Mullen, Arawen Alberg, Nik Stefanich, Jacob Haring, Caisson McPherson, Sadie Ruder, Greta Kurth, Mia Kromm.

Director: Corey Colburn.

Assistant Administrators: Michele Balda, Makayla Zipp.

THS drama department to present musical next month
Photograph courtesy of Michele Balda.

About the clearly show

Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta, “The Pirates of Penzance,” first opened on Broadway in New York on Dec. 31, 1879.

The story revolves around Frederic, a 21-yr-outdated indentured, orphan pirate who falls in adore with and wishes to marry Major Normal Stanley’s daughter Mabel. Nevertheless, he quickly discovers that due to the fact his birthday is Feb. 29, he is only five a long time aged, so his indenture doesn’t close for a further 63 many years. Thankfully, Mabel agrees to hold out for him.

Meanwhile, the other pirates are happy to see that Mabel has sisters whom they intend to marry as nicely, much to the girls’ distaste. The Significant Normal have to lie to save his daughters, but his guilt weighs on him.

On receiving term there are pirates on the shore of Cornwall, a group of policemen also enter the tale and exit just as quickly owing to their fear of the pirates, but their curiosity keeps them not much from the action.

Just before extended, amidst other humorous conflicts, “battles” ensue, loyalties are unveiled, and all is forgiven.

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